• Multi-million dollar property in Australia: SOLD to a buyer, through space clearing:

  • Multiple properties cleared for sacred living for a client in Virginia

  • Cleansed multiple properties for a client in Skopje for sacred living.

  • Bought a new home of my own and used the power of feng shui to have it paid in full within one year through ceremony and ritual.

Space clearing can be done via distance. I do not have to be in the same location as you to perform a space-clearing ceremony. I am an experienced Shaman and Mystic and this affords me the ability to send energy all around the world. I also use the power of prophecy and remote viewing.

To view my portfolio, simply click on the images below to expand on each project. Thank you so much for your consideration. The portfolio below is a reflection of my home staging, E-design, Feng Shui, and Home Staging projects.